Thursday, 20 June |
Friday, 21 June |
09:00 Registration 09:50 Plenary Session: Opening & Keynote Lecture 11:00 Coffee & Tea 11:30 Parallel Sessions A
13:00 Lunch 14:00 Parallel Sessions B
15:30 Drinks 16:00 Plenary Session 17:20 Plenary Session 18:00 Dinner 19:30 Plenary Session 20:30 Posters & Poster Prizes 22:00 Social |
09:00 Parallel Sessions C
10:30 Coffee & Tea 11:00 Parallel Sessions D
12:30 Posters & Poster Prizes & Lunch 14:00 Parallel Sessions E
15:30 Drinks 16:00 Plenary Session 16:30 Plenary Session 17:30 Closure DNM 19 |
Thursday .::. 20 June
09:00 Registration
09:50 Plenary Session: Opening & Keynote Lecture
Session 1: Keynote Lecture
Chair: Jocelien Olivier (Groningen)
Tracy Bale (Baltimore, MD, USA) Paternal transmission of stress: a tale of mice and men (60')
11:00 Coffee & Tea
11:30 Parallel Sessions A
Session 2: Cortical contributions to cognitive control
Chairs: Sybren de Kloet & Tommy Pattij (Amsterdam)
Bianca Jupp (Cambridge, United Kingdom) Examining the contribution of the cortex and associated circuitries to trait impulsivity in rats (30')
Evelien Schut (Utrecht) Prefrontal encoding of memories by accumulation of experience, in wild-type and Ehmt1-KO mice (15')
Zhenyu Gao (Rotterdam) Anatomy and function of the cortico-cerebellar circuits for motor planning (15')
Michael Cohen (Nijmegen) Theta oscillations in the mPFC during cognitive control (15')
Bastiaan Bruinsma (Amsterdam) Bi-directional cognitive control by prefrontal cortico-thalamic projection neurons (15')
Session 3: (Early) stress, cognitive reserve and Alzheimer's disease: a translational perspective
Chairs: Willem Huijbers (Tilburg) & Paul Lucassen (Amsterdam)
Michael Ewers (Munich, Germany) Brothers in arms: reserve and cognitive control in Alzheimer’s disease (30')
Hui Xiong (Amsterdam) Role of GluA3-containing AMPA receptors in Alzheimer’s disease and memory retrieval (15')
Harm Krugers (Amsterdam) Early life experiences and Alzheimer's Disease (15')
Rik Ossenkoppele (Amsterdam) The role of cognitive reserve in Alzheimer’s disease:
a neuroimaging perspective (15')
Willem Huijbers (Tilburg) Plasma cortisol is associated with cerebral hypometabolism across the Alzheimer’s disease spectrum (15')
Session 4: Cyclic AMP nanodomain scaffolds: from basic science to translational models of neurodegeneration
Chairs: Martina Schmidt & Ulrich Eisel (Groningen)
Konstantinos Lefkimmiatis (Padua, Italy) Phosphodiesterases and phosphatases in cAMP signalling: positive roles for negative regulators (30')
Jos Prickaerts (Maastricht) The role of cAMP signaling in AMPA GluA1 receptor trafficking related to memory processes (15')
Helmut Kessels (Amsterdam) Effects of cAMP on AMPA-GluA3 plasticity related to memory processes (15')
Pim Heckman (Groningen) Phosphodiesterase type 4 inhibition and the tri-phasic response in the substantia nigra pars reticulata (15')
Nshunge Musheshe (Groningen) Targeting mitochondria to prevent ferroptosis: a focus on cAMP signaling (15')
Session 5: New views on hypothalamic neuro-endocrine networks and functionality
Chairs: Chun-Xia Yi & Andries Kalsbeek (Amsterdam)
Cheng Zhan (Beijing, China) Roles of neural circuits between hypothalamus and brainstem in control of energy metabolism? (30')
Fernando Cázarez-Márquez (Amsterdam) Kisspeptin/RFRP and ON/OFF switch for seasonal reproduction and metabolism? (15')
Zhihua Gao (Hangzhou, China) Three-dimensional reconstruction of the hypothalamo-neurohypophysis system reveals news features of magnocellular neurosecretory cells (15')
Silvie Ruigrok (Amsterdam) Investigating the role of the hypothalamus in early-life stress-induced metabolic vulnerability (15')
Chun-Xia Yi (Amsterdam) Bmal1 deletion in microglia facilitates mice to cope with metabolic and cognitive challenges (15')
Session 6: Big data and machine learning in neuroscience: achievements and challenges
Chairs: Roy Lardenoije (Göttingen, Germany) & Ehsan Pishva (Maastricht)
Nikolaos Daskalakis (Belmont, MA, USA) Dissecting the systems biology of vulnerability and resilience to stress (30')
Andre Marquand (Nijmegen) Using machine learning and big data neuroscience to move toward precision medicine in brain disorders (30')
Nadine Rouleaux (Maastricht) Data science and AI in neuroscience: predicting conversion to Alzheimer’s disease in MCI patients using advanced machine learning methods (15')
Ehsan Pishva (Maastricht) Identification of causal genes for Alzheimer’s disease using a network-based integrative analysis of genomic, epigenomic and transcriptomic data (15')
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Parallel Sessions B
Session 7: The role of sleep in memory: novel findings from the Dutch sleep science community
Chairs: Cathrin Canto & Ysbrand van der Werf (Amsterdam)
Ysbrand van der Werf (Amsterdam) Two decades of sleep and memory research: an overview of the field (15')
Lucia Talamini (Amsterdam) Manipulating sleep and memory by EEG-guided stimulation (30')
Leonore Bovy (Nijmegen) Sleep and memory consolidation in major depression (15')
Frank Raven (Groningen) A brief period of sleep deprivation reduces spine density in specific subregions of the hippocampus (15')
Cathrin Canto (Amsterdam) The role of sleep in cerebellum-dependent delayed eyeblink conditioning (15')
Session 8: Signal-to-noise ratio in neuroepigenetics; progress and challenges
Chairs: Daniel van den Hove & Renzo Riemens (Maastricht)
Sònia Guil Domenech (Barcelona, Spain) The role of noncoding RNAs in neurodevelopmental disorders:
the case of Rett syndrome (30')
Daniel van den Hove (Maastricht) Epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS); achievements and challenges (15')
Assia Tiane (Hasselt, Belgium) Relieving the epigenetic blockade in progressive multiple sclerosis - making remyelination accessible again (15')
Renzo Riemens (Maastricht) Single cell profiling of Alzheimer’s disease-associated epigenetic loci demonstrates an opposite dysregulation in methylation patterns in patient-derived serotonergic neurons as compared to dorsal raphe bulk tissue (15')
Janou Roubroeks (Exeter, United Kingdom) Methylomic changes in blood of patients suffering from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease (15')
Session 9: Psychedelic Medicine 2.0 - The neurobiology underlying acute and persisting effects of psychedelics on behavior
Chairs: Kim Kuypers (Maastricht) & Jordi Riba (Barcelona, Spain)
Jordi Riba (Barcelona, Spain) Ayahuasca as an emerging tool: from molecules to meta-cognition and back (30')
Natasha Mason (Maastricht) Psilocybin, cognitive flexibility and neuroplasticity:
a placebo-controlled experimental study (15')
Manon van den Berg (Maastricht) Blood miRNAs as biomarkers of psilocybin induced changes in the brain (15')
Felix Müller (Basel, Switzerland) Altered network hub connectivity after acute LSD administration (15')
Nadia Hutten (Maastricht) Low ‘micro’ doses of LSD – subjective and cognitive effects (15')
Session 10: Regenerating the mammalian Central Nervous System
Chairs: Vanessa Donega & Elly Hol (Utrecht)
Afsaneh Gaillard (Poitiers, France) Stem cell therapies for traumatic brain injury (30')
Joost Verhaagen (Amsterdam) Gene therapy to repair the injured spinal cord (20')
Cora Nijboer (Utrecht) Mesenchymal stem cell therapy to repair the injured preterm brain (20')
Vanessa Donega (Utrecht) Molecular profiling of neural stem cells of the human brain in aging and disease (20')
Session 11: Neurodevelopmental disorders, from fundamental science to translational applications
Chairs: Geeske van Woerden & Aleksandra Badura (Rotterdam)
Corette Wierenga (Utrecht) The art of braking: the role of inhibitory synapses in neurodevelopmental disorders (30')
Aleksandra Badura (Rotterdam) Modern approaches to quantification of the behavioral deficits in autism mouse models (15')
Martina Proietti Onori (Rotterdam) A Rheb1 mouse model for epilepsy and focal cortical dysplasia (15')
Katrin Linda (Nijmegen) ROS dependent increased autophagosome formation mediates synaptic dysfunction in a human model for Koolen-de Vries syndrome (15')
Elsje van Bergen (Amsterdam) What causes dyslexia? Multiple answers at multiple levels of analyses (15')
15:30 Drinks
16:00 Plenary Session 17:20 Plenary Session 18:00 Dinner 19:30 Plenary Session 20:30 Posters & Poster Prizes 22:00 Social
Session 12:
Top Paper Prize
Christiaan Vinkers (Utrecht)
Thesis Prize
Maarten Kole & Helmut Kessels (Amsterdam)
Translational Neuroscience Prize
Marloes Henckens (Nijmegen)
Dutch Brain Olympiad
Marijn van Wingerden (Tilburg) & Jos Prickaerts (Maastricht)
Art of Neuroscience Prize
Cathrin Canto (Amsterdam) & Jos Prickaerts (Maastricht)
Session 13: Career & Industry
Chair: Jos Prickaerts (Maastricht)
Guido Koopmans (Erkrath, Germany) How to start your own company (30')
Session 14: Neuroethics Lecture
Chair: Aniko Korosi (Amsterdam)
Saskia Nagel (Aachen, Germany) Ethics of Shaping the Mind - classical topics and emerging issues in neuro-enhancement (45')
Session 15: Poster session 1
Friday .::. 21 June
09:00 Parallel Sessions C
Session 16: How oxytocin is moving up the social ladder
Chairs: Andries Kalsbeek (Amsterdam) & Sietse de Boer (Groningen)
Ron Stoop (Lausanne, Switzerland) Pathways in the amygdala underlying oxytocin modulation of fear and escape (30')
Paloma Maldonado (Amsterdam) Oxytocin during early brain development (15')
Rajeev Rajendran (Amsterdam) The anterior cingulate cortex is necessary for prosocial behavior in rats (15')
Mirjam van Zuiden (Amsterdam) Intranasal oxytocin as a preventive intervention for posttraumatic stress disorder: clinical, neuroendocrine and physiological prescriptive factors (15')
Sietse de Boer (Groningen) Oxytocin as the neurochemical mediator of sociality: insights from rodent studies (15')
Session 17: The extended amygdala: on the interface of anxiety and (generalized) fear
Chairs: Dewi van der Geugten (Nijmegen) & Joke Baas (Utrecht)
Alexander Shackman (College Park, MD, USA) The neurobiology of fear and anxiety (30')
Marloes Henckens (Nijmegen) The role of the extended amygdala in susceptibility to PTSD (15')
Maren Lange (Münster, Germany) 2-AG mediate shift from phasic to sustained fear via CRF neurons in circuits of the extended amygdala (15')
Laura Luyten (Leuven, Belgium) Deep brain stimulation in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis alleviates anxiety in rats and patients (15')
Floris Klumpers (Nijmegen) Extending the role of the extended amygdala's to defensive action (15')
Session 18: The genetic brain in health, disease, and development
Chairs: Martijn van den Heuvel (Amsterdam) & Elise Turk (Utrecht)
Danielle Posthuma (Amsterdam) From GWAS to function (30')
Martijn van den Heuvel (Amsterdam) Multi-scale neuroscience: the human connectome and genetic risk for mental illness (15')
Yongbin Wei (Amsterdam) Genetic control of the default mode network and risk for psychiatric disorders (15')
Elise Turk (Utrecht) Multiple modalities of typical fetal brain development (15')
Session 19: Neuroscience at the atomic scale
Chairs: Bert Janssen (Utrecht) & Dimphna Meijer (Delft)
Radu Aricescu (Cambridge, United Kingdom) Human GABAA receptor structures and signalling mechanisms (30')
Manon Westra (Utrecht) Single-molecule tracking of membrane components in the neuronal synaptic membrane (15')
Dimphna Meijer (Delft) Cryo-EM structure of Teneurin3 reveals an ancient fold for synaptic cell adhesion (15')
Claudio Tiecher (Groningen) How do two SCA19/22 pathogenic mutations affect the wild-type Kv4.3 channel structure and function? (15')
Lucas Chataigner (Utrecht) Contacts in the nervous system: adhesion at the axon-myelin interface (15')
Session 20: Early life stress as a determinant for brain functionality: focus on behavioral outcomes and contributing mechanisms
Chairs: Angela Sarabdjitsingh (Utrecht) & Aniko Korosi (Amsterdam)
Margaret Morris (Sydney, Australia) Early life stress interactions with diet: effects on brain function (30')
Carolina de Weerth (Nijmegen) Early programming in healthy humans: the role of psychobiological factors (30')
Valeria Bonapersona (Utrecht) The behavioral phenotype of early life adversity: a 3-level meta-analysis of preclinical studies (15')
Jannsen Kotah (Amsterdam) Early-life stress exposure does not interact with aging-associated alterations to neurogenesis, neuroinflammation, and cognition in advanced age mice (15')
10:30 Coffee & Tea
11:00 Parallel Sessions D
Session 21: Moving beyond the classical synapse: unusual contacts and novel ways to study them
Chairs: Laurens Witter (Amsterdam) & Arthur de Jong (Utrecht)
Alexander Walter (Berlin, Germany) Release site addition as a mode of presynaptic plasticity (30')
Rogier Poorthuis (Frankfurt, Germany) Associative circuits in layer 1 of human and mouse neocortex (20')
Laurens Witter (Amsterdam) Sub-millisecond communication between cerebellar Purkinje cells (20')
Arthur de Jong (Utrecht) Nanoscale imaging of synaptic architecture using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockin of fluorescent tags (20')
Session 22: Neurofeedback in psychiatry
Chairs: Florian Krause (Nijmegen) & David Linden (Maastricht)
David Linden (Maastricht) Clinical application of fMRI-neurofeedback: from affective neuroscience models to clinical trials in depression and addiction (30')
Martijn Arns (Utrecht) Results from the double-blind 2-site randomised International Collaborative ADHD Neurofeedback study (ICAN) (15')
Stephan Heunis (Eindhoven) Real-time fMRI neurofeedback methodology: current challenges, possible solutions and future perspectives (15')
Florian Krause (Nijmegen) Real-time fMRI-neurofeedback in stress research: self-regulation of large-scale brain networks (15')
Michael Luehrs (Maastricht) Fast and mobile haemodynamic brain computer interfaces: a new avenue for neurofeedback? (15')
Session 23: Peripheral and central regulation of energy metabolism – implications for metabolic disease
Chairs: Aniko Korosi & Silvie Ruigrok (Amsterdam)
Dutch Heart Foundation Lecture: Sabrina Diano (New Haven, CT, USA) Central mitochondrial dynamics in metabolism regulation (30')
Evert van Schothorst (Wageningen) Modulation of peripheral energy metabolism and its implication for metabolic health (20')
Silvie Ruigrok (Amsterdam) Effects of early-life stress on peripheral and central energy metabolism (20')
Charlene Diepenbroek (Amsterdam) The nucleus accumbens shell regulates hepatic glucose production via the lateral hypothalamus and vagal innervation of the liver in rats (20')
Session 24: Novel molecular mechanisms of glutamate receptor trafficking underlying synaptic plasticity
Chairs: Lisa Catsburg (Utrecht) & Harm Krugers (Amsterdam)
Laurent Groc (Bordeaux, France) Trafficking of synaptic receptors in health and disease (30')
Karin Koymans (Amsterdam) Molecular mechanisms underlying plasticity of GluA3-containing AMPA-receptors (15')
Remco Klaassen (Amsterdam) Mechanisms of synaptic plasticity via the Shisa family of AMPAR auxiliary proteins (15')
Lisa Catsburg (Utrecht) Dissecting the postsynaptic endocytic zone, a hotspot for glutamate receptor recycling (15')
Harm Krugers (Amsterdam) Stress, synapses and fear memories (15')
Session 25: Recent advances in cognitive control: from behavior to physiology
Chairs: Devika Narain (Rotterdam) & Jeroen Smeets (Amsterdam)
Chris De Zeeuw (Amsterdam) The emerging concept of down-bound and up-bound modules in the learning cerebellum (20')
Nuo Li (Houston, TX, USA) Neural mechanisms of volitional movement (20')
Devika Narain (Rotterdam) Flexible timing through latent cortical dynamics (15')
Leonie Oostwoud-Wijdenes (Nijmegen) Corticospinal excitability reflects hand choice bias during whole-body motion (15')
Jeroen Smeets (Amsterdam) Quickly deciding where to move (20')
12:30 Posters & Poster Prizes & Lunch
Session 26: Poster session 2
14:00 Parallel Sessions E
Session 27: Consequences of early life adversity for mental health and underlying neurobiological phenotypes across the lifespan: impact of timing of exposure and outcome measurement
Chairs: Mirjam van Zuiden & Susanne de Rooij (Amsterdam)
Tanja Jovanovic (Detroit, MI, USA) Childhood adversity: impact on brain and behavior (30')
Kitty van Reemst (Amsterdam) Modulatory effects of early dietary intervention with fatty acids on the early-life stress induced alterations in brain and behavior of mice, under basal conditions and after an immune challenge (15')
Sanne van Rooij (Atlanta, GA, USA) Effects of type and timing of trauma on the fear neurocircuitry in highly traumatized children (15')
Lotte Hilberdink (Amsterdam) Brain activity in response to social evaluative threat in adolescents with PTSD symptomatology (ABCD study) (15')
Mirjam van Zuiden (Amsterdam) Effects of prenatal, childhood and adulthood adversity on the course of anxiety and depression from mid to late adulthood and glucocorticoid stress reactivity as potential underlying mechanism (15')
Session 28: Excitatory and inhibitory synaptic plasticity
Chairs: Dennis Kruijssen & Corette Wierenga (Utrecht)
Andrea Barberis (Genoa, Italy) Spatial regulation of coordinated excitatory and inhibitory synaptic plasticity at dendritic synapses (30')
Tim Kroon (London, United Kingdom) Differential action of group 1 mGluRs on excitatory and inhibitory transmission in human cortex (15')
Aile van Huijstee (Amsterdam) Variance analysis on synaptic currents predicts a differential subunit-specific distribution of AMPA-receptors and NMDA-receptors (15')
Frank Meye (Utrecht) Comfort for the troubled mind: unravelling the neural basis for stress-feeding (15')
Dennis Kruijssen (Utrecht) Endocannabinoid signaling mediates local dendritic coordination between excitatory and inhibitory synapses (15')
Session 29: Neurocomputational mechanisms of motivation and decision making - A transdiagnotisc approach in basic and clinical neuroscience
Chairs: Vanessa Scholz (Nijmegen) & Louk Vanderschuren (Utrecht)
Louk Vanderschuren (Utrecht) The neural basis of behavioural control: corticolimbic mechanisms (30')
Vanessa Scholz (Nijmegen) The clinical relevance of the neurocomputational processes underlying motivational biases (20')
Verena Ly (Leiden) A framework to investigate perceived control: incidental influences on instrumental actions (20')
Zsuzsika Sjoerds (Leiden) Computational approaches to learning and flexibility – the influence of stress and psychopathology (20')
Session 30: The microbiome and neurodevelopment
Chairs: Anouschka Ramsteijn (Groningen) & Carolina de Weerth (Nijmegen)
Tracy Bale (Baltimore, MD, USA) Maternal microbes and neurodevelopment: a new way to blame mom (30')
Carolina de Weerth (Nijmegen) Stress, bacteria, and early development (15')
Louise Harvey (Utrecht) Food for thought: emerging opportunities to use nutritional interventions to influence neurodevelopment via the microbiome (15')
Jocelien Olivier (Groningen) Serotonin transporter genotype modulates the gut microbiota composition in young rats, an effect augmented by early life stress (15')
Anouschka Ramsteijn (Groningen) Antidepressant treatment modulates the gut microbiome and metabolome during pregnancy and lactation in rats with a depressive-like phenotype (15')
Session 31: Targeting Parkinson’s disease: from the gut to the brain
Chairs: Amalia Dolga & Arjan Kortholt (Groningen)
Aletta Kraneveld (Utrecht) Gut-brain axis in Parkinson`s disease and food-pharma interactions (30')
Hardy Rideout (Athens, Greece) LRRK2 conformational transitions and how they reflect changes in activity in experimental models and the disease state (15')
Sebastiaan van Kessel (Groningen) Uncovering bacterial metabolites of neuromodulators (15')
Panos Athanasopoulos (Groningen) The role of PP2A in the complex intramolecular activation of LRRK2 (15')
Amalia Dolga (Groningen) SK channel activation reduces inflammation in human-differentiated microglial cells challenged with alpha-synuclein (15')
15:30 Drinks
16:00 Plenary Session 16:30 Plenary Session 17:30 Closure DNM 19
Session 32: Young Talent Prize
Chairs: Kim Kuypers (Maastricht), Marloes Henckens (Nijmegen), Aniko Korosi (Amsterdam)
Inge Holtman (Groningen) Functional role of natural genetic variation in cell-specific pathogenesis (30')
Session 33: Keynote Lecture
Chair: Bauke Buwalda (Groningen)
Sumantra Chattarji (Bangalore, India) Uniquely amygdala: distinct patterns of plasticity caused by stress and autism (60')
Thursday .::. 20 June
P1.1 The role of the cannabinoid 1 receptor in a mouse model for cortical dysplasia
Femke den Boon (Amsterdam)
P1.2 ER – cytoskeleton interplay contributes to the axonal and dendritic identity
Ha Nguyen (Utrecht)
P1.3 Perinatal antidepressant exposure and maternal adversity affect myelin-related gene expression depending on brain region and sex
Anouschka Ramsteijn (Groningen)
P1.4 Cue-reactivity and inhibitory control as biomarkers for nicotine dependence in adolescent experimental smokers
Milagros Rubio (Nijmegen)
P1.5 Detecting fetal-derived microchimeric cells in maternal rodent brains
Janne-Rozemarijn Smit (Groningen)
P1.6 Neural and behavioral indices of goal-directed and habitual control in adolescents
Dennis Trommelen (Nijmegen)
P1.7 P180 regulates anterograde axonal transport of lysosomes in rat primary hippocampal neurons
Alexandra van Harten (Amsterdam)
P1.8 ER-shape regulates the distribution and organization of the endo-lysosomal system in neurons
Inge van Soest (Utrecht)
P1.9 Effects of long term endogenous corticosteroid exposure in the brain glia of the AdKO mouse
Jorge Miguel Amaya Fernandez (Leiden)
P1.10 A brief period of sleep deprivation reduces spine density in specific subregions of the hippocampus
Youri Bolsius (Groningen)
P1.11 Inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases in in vitro models of the blood-brain barrier
Sophie Cohen (Amsterdam)
P1.12 Feedback-driven assembly of the axon initial segment
Amélie Fréal (Amsterdam)
P1.13 Submillisecond rapid axonal Ca2+ signaling generated by voltage-gated Na+ channels
Naomi Hanemaaijer (Amsterdam)
P1.14 Modulation of dendritic hyperpolarization-activated ion channels by potentiation of local synaptic inputs
Lotte Herstel (Utrecht)
P1.15 A role for the axon initial segment in rapid modulation of neuronal input-output parameters in mouse barrel cortex
Nora Jamann (Amsterdam)
P1.16 The contribution of glia to synaptic dysfunction at the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease
Mandy Kater (Amsterdam)
P1.17 Glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (Gilz) expression is predominantly controlled by absolute receptor levels rather than GR/MR balance
Lisa Koorneef (Leiden)
P1.18 Human interneuron myelination is predicted by axonal morphology
María Pascual García (Rotterdam)
P1.19 The role of intracellular cAMP/PKA signalling in inhibitory bouton dynamics
Aniek Verschuuren (Utrecht)
P1.20 Resolving the nanoscale synaptic protein organization using CRIRSP/Cas9-mediated genome editing and live-cell super-resolution microscopy
Jelmer Willems (Utrecht)
P1.21 Reactive gliosis after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and its association with cognitive impairments
Claudia Amboni (Utrecht)
P1.22 Single cell profiling of Alzheimer’s disease-associated epigenetic loci in patient-derived serotonergic neurons of the dorsal raphe nuclei
Julianne Beirute-Herrera (Maastricht)
P1.23 Single cell RNA sequencing of hippocampal neural stem and progenitor cell populations after cortical traumatic brain injury
Pascal Bielefeld (Amsterdam)
P1.24 Blocking glucocorticoid signaling rescues early life stress-induced amyloid pathology and cognitive deficits in adult APPswe/PS1dE9 mice
Niek Brosens (Amsterdam)
P1.25 The Tryptophan-Kynurenine (TRP-KYN) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) pathways in Alzheimer’s disease: towards new predictive and transdiagnostic biomarkers
Kyonghwan Choe (Maastricht)
P1.26 Investigating the semantic control network and its structural decline in mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia
Anna Dewenter (Nijmegen)
P1.27 Assessment of gene expression changes induced by fingolimod treatment in multiple sclerosis based on common pathway analysis
Gayel Duran (Maastricht)
P1.28 Proof-of-concept study for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: Atrosimab a novel blocker of TNF receptor 1
Amber Ebskamp (Groningen)
P1.29 Amyloid-ß-induced changes in synaptic transmission in an early-stage Alzheimer’s disease mouse model
Christiaan Huffels (Utrecht)
P1.30 Social factors in cognitive decline in AD pathology mouse models
Suzanne Lanooij (Groningen)
P1.31 The dynamics of inhibitory boutons in a mouse model of early Alzheimer’s disease
Christine Lützkendorf (Utrecht)
P1.32 Contribution of age-related circulatory factors to late-onset Alzheimer's disease
Jinte Middeldorp (Utrecht)
P1.33 LRRK2 modulates mitochondrial bioenergetics and erastin-induced ferroptosis in immune cells
Asmaa Oun (Groningen)
P1.34 Towards human 3D co-culture model for tau aggregation
Susan Rohde (Amsterdam)
P1.35 Examining inhibitory synapses in a model for early Alzheimer’s disease
Marvin Ruiter (Utrecht)
P1.36 Comparison between human differentiated microglia in 2D and 3D (organoid) by RNA sequencing
Angelica Sabogal (Groningen)
P1.37 Sargassum fusiforme-derived 24(S)-Saringosterol improves memory and reduces amyloid plaque load in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model
Tim Vanmierlo (Hasselt, Belgium)
P1.38 Reinstatement of Pcdh9 expression in cortex layer 6 using a conditional mouse model
Francien Bouw (Groningen)
P1.39 The interaction between genome and environment in callous and impulsive traits in a mixed population of health and disease
Mandy Meijer (Nijmegen)
P1.40 Externalizing behavior and resting state connectivity in children with ASD and ADHD
Maaike Oosterling (Utrecht)
P1.41 Manipulating cellular chloride levels to understand sensory alterations in autism
Carlijn Peerboom (Utrecht)
P1.42 Studying functional consequences of cofilin regulation in the sensory cortex in genetic mouse models for autism spectrum disorders
Iris Riemersma (Groningen)
P1.43 Mapping dystrophin expression in the brain using single cell RNA-sequencing
Mandy Segers (Leiden)
P1.44 Behavioral profile of PIK3δ gain-of-function mutation in mice
Ines Serra (Rotterdam)
P1.45 Insights into the autistic phenotype and individual differences: EEG and eye-tracking measures of social cognition in Phelan McDermid Syndrome and Autism
Chiara Terzo (London, United Kingdom)
P1.46 Dysregulation of the oxidative stress response in epilepsy: implications for microRNA 155
Till Zimmer (Amsterdam)
P1.47 Unraveling the mechanisms of deep-brain stimulation in the SAPAP3 knockout mouse model
Alicia Alonso Andres (Amsterdam)
P1.48 The effect of memory strength and propranolol treatment on post-reactivation glutamate receptor plasticity
Amber Besseling (Amsterdam)
P1.49 Behavioural effects of dentate gyrus chemogenetic activation
Luisa Fassi (Rotterdam)
P1.50 Mouse model of mGluR2 mutation associated with familial bipolar I disorder causes impaired biochemical, electrophysiological and behavioral function
Pomme Rigter (Rotterdam)
P1.51 Dopaminergic modulation of fear memory generalization
Natalie Schroyens (Leuven, Belgium)
P1.52 Characterizing the role of UBE3A in 15q duplication syndrome
Hilde Smeenk (Rotterdam)
P1.53 Visual suppression of a genetically defined neuronal population in mouse V1
Koen Seignette (Amsterdam)
P1.54 Asymmetric β-amyloid deposits leading to partial smell dysfunction by breakdown of neural reconstitution
Gowoon Son (Maastricht)
P1.55 Arousal-induced changes in neuronal activity across the cortex
Klara Gawor (Amsterdam)
P1.56 Comfort for the troubled mind: a neural mechanism of stress feeding
Louisa Linders (Utrecht)
P1.57 Physical inactivity reduces ∆FosB in the stress- and reward-related brain circuitry of male Wistar rats
Joram Mul (Amsterdam)
P1.58 The role of medial prefrontal cortex to medial dorsal striatum projection neurons in goal-directed behaviour
Huub Terra (Amsterdam)
P1.59 Involvement of the glucocorticoid receptor on changes in chromatin accessibility induced by early life stress
Eduardo Umeoka (Ribeirão Preto, Brazil)
P1.60 Inhibition of an alcohol-context associated memory did not reduce context induced relapse to alcohol seeking in rats
Jennifer van Klaveren (Amsterdam)
P1.61 Putative coregulators involved in selective glucocorticoid receptor modulation of memory consolidation
Eva Viho (Leiden)
P1.62 Unraveling the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying counter-conditioning
Jette de Vos (Nijmegen)
P1.63 Neural noise is associated to age-related changes in cognitive and emotion control
Stefanie Enriquez-Geppert (Groningen)
P1.64 Sub-acute effects of psilocybin on empathy, creative thinking, and subjective well-being
Natasha Mason (Maastricht)
P1.65 Altered transcriptional control of PDE4D isoforms in Alzheimer’s disease in relation to synaptic functioning
Dean Paes (Maastricht)
P1.66 Sleep on it! Sleep-dependent enhancement of relevant memories
Serena Reverberi (Nijmegen)
P1.67 Dissecting the temporal dynamics of sleep deprivation on spatial memory
Femke Roig Kuhn (Groningen)
P1.68 Towards the development of frontal-midline theta neurofeedback as therapeutic tool for executive dysfunctions
Diede Smit (Groningen)
P1.69 Towards a preclinical model for understanding dopamine replacement therapy-induced impulse control deficits
Vera Tesink (Amsterdam)
P1.70 Validation of reference genes for quantitative gene expression analysis: methodological considerations
Martin Bustelo (Maastricht)
P1.71 Complementary human and mouse induced pluripotent stem cell-derived astrocyte subtypes for vanishing white matter
Anne Hillen (Amsterdam)
P1.72 Rapid specification of human pluripotent stem cell derived neural progenitors to functional astrocytes
Bas Lendemeijer (Rotterdam)
P1.73 Combining single-cell deep-brain calcium imaging with optogenetics in freely behaving animals: activity of single neurons in the dorsal striatum encodes contralateral movements
Bastijn van den Boom (Amsterdam)
P1.74 Targeted genome editing tools to study neurodevelopmental disorders
Björn van Sambeek (Nijmegen)
P1.75 In situ validation and spatial mapping of diverse striatal cells identified by scRNA-seq in the mouse brain at single-cell resolution
Anton Vanommeslaeghe (Abingdon, Oxford, United Kingdom)
Friday .::. 21 June
P2.1 The postnatal development of descending serotonergic modulation of the nociceptive system/network
Anne de Kort (Maastricht)
P2.2 The role of NMDA receptor subunits NR2a and NR2b in the spinal dorsal horn in central sensitization and long-term effects of neonatal procedural pain
Thomas Geus (Maastricht)
P2.3 Investigating alterations to the inflammatory response and histone structures of hippocampal microglia and astrocytes in vitro after early life stress
Henok Habtemariam (Amsterdam)
P2.4 Effects of gene-by-(early)-environment interaction in a fear conditioning paradigm. A DRD4+/- mouse study
Luc Kauffmann (Utrecht)
P2.5 For better and for worse: testing the differential susceptibility theory in heterozygous dopamine receptor D4 knockout mice
Jelle Knop (Utrecht)
P2.6 Novel insights in human axonal development from iPSC-derived neurons
Feline Lindhout (Utrecht)
P2.7 Third trimester brain growth in preterm born neonates and typically developing infants
Eva Overbeek (Utrecht)
P2.8 Associations between maternal postnatal distress and inhibitory control in preschoolers: behavioral and biological mechanisms
Rosa Pranger (Nijmegen)
P2.9 A longitudinal study on attachment insecurity and chronic stress: the role of self-regulation
Jana Runze (Nijmegen)
P2.10 Investigating the early life stress effects on telomere shortening in 20-month-old mice
Vera Tscherrig (Amsterdam)
P2.11 Early-exposure to cortisol in zebrafish (Danio rerio) induces a larval phenotype with a primed immune-system and vigilant behaviour
Ruud van den Bos (Nijmegen)
P2.12 The influence of early-life stress on the GABA switch: a possible role of chloride transporters
Lieke van Mourik (Utrecht)
P2.13 Nanoscale distribution and dynamics of presynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptors
Anna Bodzeta (Utrecht)
P2.14 Understanding the role of the nuclear mis-localization of micro RNA 92b in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Laurie Kerkhof (Utrecht)
P2.15 Regulation of inhibitory bouton dynamics by endocannabinoid signaling
Jian Liang (Utrecht)
P2.16 Super-resolution imaging of the functional nano-architecture of astrocytes
Lotte Razenberg (Bordeaux, France)
P2.17 Resolving the functional organization of postsynaptic glutamate receptors
Nicky Scheefhals (Utrecht)
P2.18 CircRNA:miRNA sponging in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Joëlle van den Herik (Utrecht)
P2.19 The influence of age-related circulatory factors on microglia in Alzheimer’s disease
Valeria Aleksandrova (Utrecht)
P2.20 The novel matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor IPR-179 reduces seizures in rodent models of epilepsy
Diede Broekaart (Amsterdam)
P2.21 Hippocampal functioning as a link between depression and Alzheimer’s disease
Bente Hofstra (Groningen)
P2.22 The effect of moderate cortical traumatic brain injury on the hippocampal neural stem cell pool
Winette Koning (Amsterdam)
P2.23 microRNA-132 is overexpressed in glia in temporal lobe epilepsy and reduces the expression of pro-epileptogenic factors in human cultured astrocytes
Anatoly Korotkov (Amsterdam)
P2.24 In search of shared molecular pathways underlying familial Parkinson’s disease – a transcriptomics approach
Kai Yu Ma (Groningen)
P2.25 Strategies to facilitate a TNF receptor 2 agonist into the brain
Natalia Ortí Casañ (Groningen)
P2.26 Development of a myelination assay using primary mixed cortical cultures
Annemieke Rozeboom (Utrecht)
P2.27 Astrocytes from spinal cord of late symptomatic mice expressing the SOD1G93A point mutation show a less reactive phenotype after knocking down mGluR5
Carola Torazza (Genoa, Italy)
P2.28 The impact of traumatic brain injury on immature hippocampal newborn granule cells
Isa van der Veen (Amsterdam)
P2.29 Cerebral organoids carrying the C9orf72 repeat expansion associated with ALS/FTD show altered neurodevelopment
Edwin van Oosten (Utrecht)
P2.30 The role of ataxin-2 intermediate expansion in ALS pathology
Tessa Verhoeff (Utrecht)
P2.31 The role of CNOT6L in regulating the capacity of NSCs to repair injury to the dopaminergic system
Roël Vrooman (Utrecht)
P2.32 Iron-chelation therapy with oral deferiprone in male J20 mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
Yingying Wu (Groningen)
P2.33 The coding and non-coding transcriptional landscape of subependymal giant cell astrocytomas in patients with tuberous sclerosis complex
Anika Bongaarts (Amsterdam)
P2.35 Screening for potential novel treatments of mTOR hyperactivity related epilepsy with microelectrode arrays
Jeffrey de Hoogen (Rotterdam)
P2.36 Effects of fluoxetine on serotonin 5-HT1A receptor gene expression in the brain of live bearing fish and their offspring
Floris-Jan Haan (Groningen)
P2.37 The role of DPCK in Drosophila neurogenesis
Nad'a Majerníková (Groningen)
P2.38 Tick tock - how circadian clocks modulate aggression
Floriana Mogavero (Nijmegen)
P2.39 Functional connectivity and autism symptomology
Christopher Ryan (Amsterdam)
P2.40 The role of anterior and midcingulate cortex in aggression in autism spectrum disorders
Kerli Tulva (Nijmegen)
P2.41 Towards personalized treatment of genetically classified refractory epilepsies using Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (hIPSCs) as an ex-vivo tool
Eline van Hugte (Nijmegen)
P2.42 Transcriptome analysis of tuberous sclerosis complex and vanishing white matter astrocytes upon inflammatory or oxidative stress challenge
Jackelien van Scheppingen (Amsterdam)
P2.43 miRNAs as serum biomarkers for epilepsy in tuberous sclerosis complex patients
Quirijn Verhoog (Amsterdam)
P2.44 Measuring E/I balance in autism: from behaviour to networks and cells
Ricarda Weiland (Amsterdam)
P2.45 The effects of a delayed GABA shift on inhibitory synaptic transmission
Tessel Wijne (Utrecht)
P2.46 Astrocyte and microglia characterization in prefrontal cortical layer III in schizophrenia post-mortem tissue
Jesca de Jager (Utrecht)
P2.47 Investigating the role of BDNF overexpression in the hippocampus of SERT KO
Silvia Della Noce (Nijmegen)
P2.48 Is reduced reward motivation in SAPAP3 mutants, a mouse model for OCD, caused by diminished striatal dopamine transmission?
Isabell Ehmer (Amsterdam)
P2.49 Abnormal static and dynamic resting-state brain network organization in auditory verbal hallucination of schizophrenia
Haiyang Geng (Groningen)
P2.50 Exploring the effects of caffeine in the brain of depressive-like animals
Cyprien Gregoire Joseph Guerrin (Groningen)
P2.51 Neuronal activity patterns after a traumatic experience in PTSD-vulnerable and -resilient mice
Levi Maas (Nijmegen)
P2.52 Amygdala activity dissociating the PTSD-susceptible from resilient brain
Sanne Merjenburgh (Nijmegen)
P2.53 One small nucleus in the brain, one giant implication for PTSD?! The role of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in post-traumatic stress disorder
Panthea Nemat (Nijmegen)
P2.54 Learning and memory in post-traumatic stress disorder: a translational meta-analysis of clinical and preclinical studies
Milou Sep (Utrecht)
P2.55 The dopamine D2 receptor partial agonist 2-bromoterguride ameliorates subchronic phencyclidine-induced impairments in the novel object recognition and social interaction test in rats
Emilia Tarland (Berlin, Germany)
P2.56 Better safe than sorry: the role of the extended amygdala in fear generalization and anxiety
Christina-Anna Vallianatou (Nijmegen)
P2.57 Disrupted upregulation of salience network connectivity during acute stress in siblings of schizophrenia patients
Judith van Leeuwen (Nijmegen)
P2.59 Predictive value of trait anxiety and memory contextualization in resilience/susceptibility to PTSD
Marijn Vellinga (Utrecht)
P2.60 Dissecting the comorbidity of substance use and psychiatric disorders using Mendelian Randomization
Iraklis Vretzakis (Amsterdam)
P2.61 The effects of early life stress on ethanol drinking and opioid gene expression in serotonin transporter deficient rats
Carlien Wolters (Groningen)
P2.62 STIM-Orai ion channels detect cold in the somatosensory and sympathetic nervous system
Tamara Buijs (London, United Kingdom)
P2.63 Parcellation of the periaqueductal gray using 7 Tesla resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging
Mathijs de Rijk (Maastricht)
P2.64 Analysis of altered brain chemistry in chronic neuropathic pain using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry imaging
Martijn Mons (Maastricht)
P2.65 Making sense of sexual dysfunction: somatosensory cortex activity of the genital representation of the serotonin transporter knockout rat
Natanja Peen (Groningen)
P2.66 Methadone pain relief: effects on acute and long-term mechanical hypersensitivity in a model of neonatal repetitive procedural pain
Nynke van den Hoogen (Maastricht)
P2.67 Functional organization of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in the mouse dorsal inferior colliculus
Aaron Wong (Rotterdam)
P2.68 The basilar pontine nuclei are not just a relay of corollary discharge
Ayoub Khalil (Amsterdam)
P2.69 Assessing the role of phasic dopamine neuron activation in the VTA on the cross-frequency entrainment of the corticostriatal circuitry
Mariana Duque (Nijmegen)
P2.70 Effects of housing conditions and social hierarchy on anxiety-like behaviour in C57BL6/J mice
Paula Escriche Chova (Groningen)
P2.71 Using in vivo two-photon fluorescence endomicroscopy to measure activity of lateral hypothalamic glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons in response to sugar consumption in mice fed a free choice high-fat diet
Laura Koekkoek (Amsterdam)
P2.72 Metabolic programming by early-life stress exposure: investigating biological mechanisms and the role of food preference in C57BL6 mice
Jesse Kuindersma (Amsterdam)
P2.73 Investigating prefrontal activity during acquisition of an attentional task
Vinicius Pereira Mateus Borges (Amsterdam)
P2.74 The role of MDL-projecting prefrontal neurons during attention and cognitive control
Guilherme Ramos de Lima Ribeiro (Amsterdam)
P2.75 Dynamics of the stressed mouse brain: neuronal network activation over time after foot-shock
Heike Schuler (Utrecht)
P2.76 Insulin is positively correlated with memory acquisition during adolescence in Zucker Diabetic Fatty rats
Marcia Spoelder (Nijmegen)
P2.77 Unravelling the neural mechanisms of stress-feeding, using in vivo optogenetics
Bram van Schaffelaar (Utrecht)
P2.78 Effect of early-life stress exposure on peripheral and central mitochondria
Karen Yim (Amsterdam)
P2.79 Neural mechanisms underlying fearful avoidance behaviour
Anneloes Hulsman (Nijmegen)
P2.80 Rat communication: observing the emission of ultrasonic vocalizations during a pro-social task
Aikaterini Kalamari (Utrecht)
P2.81 Pharmacological interference with reconsolidation of auditory fear memories
Laura Luyten (Leuven, Belgium)
P2.82 The effect of the urge to binge on the firing behavior of neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex
Tjerk Swinkels (Utrecht)
P2.83 Effects of voluntary wheel running on free-choice high-fat high-sugar diet component preference
Muzeyyen Ugur (Amsterdam)
P2.84 A novel behavioral task for measuring social reinforcement learning
Sander van Gurp (Düsseldorf, Germany)
P2.85 Threat or treatment? The effect of lifetime cigarette smoking on cognitive decline
Samuele Ghezzo (Amsterdam)
P2.86 Influence of video gaming on spatial representation in the haptic modality
Hui Jiao (Maastricht)
P2.87 False memory formation in cannabis users: a field study
Lilian Kloft (Maastricht)
P2.88 Validating of home cage touchscreen tests assessing cognitive performance in non-human primates
Shanice Menting-Henry (Rijswijk)
P2.89 Predicting real-life stress reactivity from the effects of acute stress on brain activity
Rayyan Toutounji (Nijmegen)
P2.90 Visual skill studies: challenging the challenges
Ekin Tünçok (Maastricht)
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Posters must be mounted on the day of the presentation between 08:00 and the start of the first session of the day (9:50 on Thursday, and 09:00 on Friday). Posters should only be removed at the end of the day and before 08:00 of the following day (or by 16:00 on Friday, 21 June).